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Study shows that Gen Z’s core values are here to stay post-Covid

By Anna Zwettler


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While the coronavirus is a “defining moment” in the lives of people belonging to Generation Z, it reinforces their belief of constant change, as the pandemic is simply one of the pivotal events that has taken place in their lifetime.

That’s according to research and advisory firm Gen Z planet LLC, which recently commissioned two surveys on Generation Z’s behaviors, values and attitudes in regard to Covid-19 and offers brands and retailers insights on how to target this segment in the most successful way.

“We have found that, while the pandemic has stirred up every aspect of their lives, their core values, attitudes and the way they think about consumption remain unshaken,” said Hana Ben-Shabat, founder of Gen Z planet, in a statement. “If anything, the pandemic seems to be solidifying some of the generational characteristics they already possess, particularly their cautious approach to spending, their aspirations for a more just world and their optimism.

“For brands seeking to connect with this generation, this means thinking strategically about their pricing architecture, the overall value they deliver and a renewed emphasis on being a good corporate citizen.”

The surveys additionally found that, once the world opens up further, 73 percent of participants said that they will plan to go to stores, particularly local ones, as much or even more than they did before the pandemic began.

Ben-Shabat added: “The pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities of small businesses and the need to support them. As a result, 40 percent of survey respondents said that going forward they will aim to support local small businesses. Gen Zers also have been paying close attention to how brands have responded to both the pandemic and recent protests against systemic racism, gravitating towards purpose-driven brands and favoring actions over words."

Gen Z
Gen Z planet